REAR WINDOW “Adaptation”One afternoon in London was rainy and sultry as usual. Paul, who has been devoted to photojournalism since the age of 20, lives alone in…Jun 6, 2021Jun 6, 2021
FAR FROM HOMEIt was a summer night. I was on the terrace. I was watching the sky. Then I fell asleep. I opened my eyes suddenly. I could not make sense…May 4, 2021May 4, 2021
A Mother’s SacrificeThat is how she has lived her life with the great sacrifice she made for all these years … Still, the woman was content because her only…Apr 28, 2021Apr 28, 2021
Zengin Yeni DünyaKuşların cıvıltısıyla irkilerek yatağımdan doğruldum. Güneşli bir güne perdelerimi açmak için pencereye yöneldim. İlginçtir ki son…Apr 20, 2021Apr 20, 2021
THE MOST TOXIC MOMENT I HAVE EXPERIENCEDEverything was increasingly uncontrollable…Mar 23, 2021Mar 23, 2021
About MeMerhaba okuyucu! Ben Sefa Merve. Bana kısaca “Sefa” diyebilirsiniz. Hala daha öğrencilik kariyeri Haliç Üniversitesi çatısı altında süren…Mar 10, 2021Mar 10, 2021